Teachers Simile Poem
Ms Elena,as beautiful as a flower
Ms Elena as smart as a Kea
Mrs Logan as kind as a Matilda
Mrs Logan as energetic as a Cheetah
Mrs Halina as hard working as an ant
Mrs Halina as bright as gold
Mr Victor as trustable as our parents
Mr Victor as thoughtful as himself
Ms Smith as warm hearted as an animal
Ms Smith as intelligent as an Elephant
Mrs Dormell as caring as a mother
Mrs Dormell as outgoing as a student
Mr Raj as adventurous as an explorer
Mr Raj as handsome as his dad
Mrs Faalili as humorous as a monkey
Mrs Faalili as dazzling as fireworks
All the teachers are as unique and amazing as they are!
All the teachers are as amazing as the students they teach!
Those similies were awesome Liana. You know your teachers very well.. Mrs Vaevae