Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Facts about kakapo by liana📱

 Facts about kakapo by liana📱

These facts are fun facts about kakapos.Some kakapo can live 60 years also 40 or 80 years.Also there are only 131 kakapos left in the world here is another fact about male kakapo.Male kakapo make a loud crashing booming sound so they can attract a mate here is a fun fact about all kakapo.Kakapo can't fly,but they can climb trees.Also kakapo are nocturnal.Here’s one fact everyone should know…..KAKAPO ARE SO CUTE😊.Kakapo are parrots these birds are very interesting in my opinion,They also are like a loner.Kakapo had no natural enemies on islands of NZ.The female kakapo can lay in between 1 and 4 eggs.Kakapos predators are cats,rats,stoats,possums,and humans.Kakapos only eat berries or anything from plants.Kakapos are really cute so that is why humans like to hunt them down.Kakapo have  wings like kiwi there wings are very short there wings also help them balance.Also they can flap around😄.Both Moari and European settlers kept kakapos as there pets.they should live on grass so they can camouflage from predators.Kakapo have an nice smell they also can sense a smell.

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